Community Service
श्रद्धया देयम् | अश्रद्धयाऽअदेयम् |
श्रिया देयम् | ह्रिया देयम् | भिया देयम् | संविदा देयम् |
– तैत्तिरीय उपनिषद् – १.२१
śraddhayā deyam | aśraddhaya (a)deyam |
śriyā deyam | hriyā deyam |
bhiyā deyam | samvidā deyam |
– Taittiriya Upanisad – 1 .21
Charity should be given with reverence for the receiver.
Charity should not be given with disrespect.
Charity should be given generously.
Community Service